Jonas Kjeldgaard Sørensen (b. 1993) has developed a performative praxis that tells stories about our contemporary imagination. By dealing with historical research through the lens of speculative narratives, he imagines other realities instead of accepting the excisting. 


Singing has recently entered the praxis, as a seductive force, to sing forward the dark spirit of capitalism. He performs in fictions, with theatrical awareness, and has shown his work internationally.




William, It’s not a dream!

Udstillingen er bygget op om alteregoet Våbensliberen, der undersøger forholdet mellem krigens ”backroom” og ”showroom”. Mellem stålstøv og pailletter. Våbensliberen er et konceptuelt sindsbillede på vores omgang med brutalitetens mange facetterede former og udtryk. Mareridtet er udstillingens rammefortælling. Våbensliberen fungerer som et tandhjul, han smeder ikke våbnene, han er ikke…